
Special Services

Parent Request for Special Education Evaluation or IEP Meeting Procedure

The Southeastern School District #337 provides a wide range of services to meet the needs of children ages 3 to 21 with special education needs.  These services are of no cost to children residing within this district. If parents have concerns about their child in the academic environment, they may request that the district complete an evaluation.  To initiate the request for an evaluation, the parents may contact either the building principal or school psychologist.  The district must respond to the request within fourteen (14) school days to determine if the evaluation is deemed necessary.  If the referral is determined to be appropriate, the building team will obtain the parents’ signed consent to initiate the referral.  This evaluation must be completed within sixty (60) school days from the date of signed and received consent.  Following the evaluation, building personnel and parents will meet to review the results of the evaluation, discuss educational implications and identify programming needs.  If special education services are recommended, an Individual Educational Program (IEP) is developed if appropriate, and signed consent secured to indicate parental agreement with the proposed special education service.  All children receiving special education services are reviewed on an annual basis.  If a parent feels it is necessary to have a meeting earlier than the IEP annual review date, they can request a meeting by contacting the case manager or building principal.  The district must respond to the request within ten (10) calendar days to determine if the additional meeting is necessary.  Southeastern School District appreciates parents being active in their child’s education.  Parents are encouraged to ask questions if they do not understand terms, language, or other things that happen during their child’s meetings.  Please call, email, or request a meeting if you are worried about how your child is doing at school.

School personnel who provide related services to students (such as speech/language therapy, PT, OT, and social work) are required to maintain written logs that contain the service provided, the date and the number of minutes administered.  These related service logs must be provided to parents/guardians during the student's annual review IEP meeting and also anytime upon request.  These service logs are considered part of a student's temporary school records.

Procedural Safeguards-June 2022  

ISBE Parent Rights page

ISBE Special Education Information


Educational Rights and Responsibilities: Understanding Special Education in Illinois


Prioritization of Urgency of Need Services (PUNS): Kayla Neisen, District Psychologist
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