Scholarships Available:
Below is a list of some of the many scholarships available to students planning to pursue further education after high school. This list will be updated and changed as necessary. Please remember to check back from time to time for updates. Local scholarships that are specific to Southeastern students will not be available until the middle of the second semester.
There are plenty of scholarship websites that may offer you a chance to explore scholarships for interests and/or situations that may be relatively unique to you.
Hancock County Beef Producers Association Scholarship
This scholarship is available to Hancock County graduating seniors that plan on furthering their education. Awarding of the scholarships will be based on grades, involvement/activities, and essay responses.
2022 due date: April 15
See Mr. Kerr for a copy of the application.
The Dr. Elizabeth Korte Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: April 1, 2022
Dr. Korte practiced medicine in rural communities for over 50 years. She loved being active in her community and loved caring for them. As a physician, she was one of a large network of professionals involved in the care of patients and running a practice. In her honor, we would like to assist those who are seeking to become medical professionals, support medical practices or improve the health of their community.
This scholarship is intended for Hancock County, IL students interested in a career in Healthcare or Healthcare Services. This application is open to anyone interested in serving the public with an intention to study any aspect of healthcare. An ideal candidate has ambitions to help others and has shown interest in pursuing those goals. Preference will be given to individuals interested in supporting rural communities after they are finished with their training.
The Harold Daniels Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will be presented to a Southeastern High School student planning to further his/her education after high school. The scholarship is in memory of Harold Daniels, a long-time bus driver for both the Plymouth and Southeastern School Districts. Mr. Daniels passed away on April 9, 2019.
Scholarship application can be obtained from Mr. Kerr.
Deadline is TBA.
The Terry White Memorial Scholarship
A scholarship in memory of Terry White will be awarded to a deserving graduate of Southeastern High School with preference given to FFA members planning to further their education in an Agriculture-related field.
Scholarship application can be obtained from Mr. Kerr.
Deadline is Friday, May 13.
The Rick Mulvaney Memorial Scholarship
A scholarship in memory of former Southeastern teacher and coach, Rick Mulvaney.
Scholarship application can be obtained from Mr. Kerr.
Deadline is TBA.
The J. Don Holmes/Thunderhawk Farms Scholarship
This scholarship will be presented to a Southeastern High School student that has an interest in agriculture/agribusiness and/or farm management in memory of J. Don Holmes.
Scholarship application can be obtained from Mr. Kerr.
Deadline is Friday, May 13.
The Jan Holmes Southeastern School Spirit Award
This award will be presented to the Southeastern High School senior that exemplifies school spirit and camaraderie among peers. This student should possess a positive attitude, be involved in school activities, and demonstrate a dedication to both their classmates and the Southeastern School District. This award should be based on genuine character qualities over academic standing. We truly feel that the ideal recipient is someone that will go the extra mile for the benefit of the district rather than the pursuit of personal self-fulfillment.
Scholarship application can be obtained from Mr. Kerr.
Deadline is Friday, May 13.
The Bowen Bank of Advance Southeastern Scholarship
This $1000 scholarship will be presented to a graduating senior from Southeastern High School who has exhibited academic achievement/involvement and is deserving of the award. The student should be planning to enroll in a full-time course of study leading to a degree from an accredited college or university.
Scholarship application can be obtained from Mr. Kerr.
Deadline is TBA.
The Southeastern Education Association Scholarship
This scholarship is sponsored by the Southeastern Education Association and will be presented to a Southeastern High School senior during awards day.
Scholarship application can be obtained from Mr. Kerr.
Deadline is Friday, May 13.
To be eligible for consideration you must be a high school senior attending a school in Hancock County , who will attend higher education such as college or trade school during the 2019/2020 school year. The winner of the Scholarship will receive the $500 upon proof of enrollment. Applicants must have B average or better.
Application Form can be obtained from Mr. Kerr.
Deadline is TBA.
Hancock County Democratic Women Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to the senior girl who writes the most outstanding essay and who plans to attend either a college in Illinois or Southeastern Community College. On a separate sheet of paper write an essay of 250 to 500 words regarding how you think the principles of the Democratic Party will promote solutions to future problems (social, economic, environmental or other) in Hancock County. The website may be beneficial in the preparation of your essay. Please also provide a recommendation letter from one of your teachers and one from a non-family community member. Return this form, your essay, and letters of recommendation to the Guidance Counselor.
Application can be obtained from Mr. Kerr.
The Lawton Endowment Scholarship
This Endowment is “to provide tuition scholarships for post-secondary education at private accredited colleges or universities in the United States and abroad.”
Special Residency Requirements: The residents in all of “Hancock and Schuyler counties” and in Lomax and Terre Haute townships in Henderson County, Blandinsville, Hire, Tennessee and LaMoine townships in McDonough County, and Lima, Keene, Houston and Northeast townships in Adams County, which are “the townships of Henderson, McDonough and Adams counties which are adjacent to Hancock County.” James H. Lawton, who formerly owned a tax and accounting business in Plymouth, IL, established this endowment fund to “promote the post-secondary education of residents in the area in which he made his living.
Application can be obtained from Mr. Kerr.
Minnie White Scholarship
This general scholarship is limited to Hancock County seniors. Each high school in the county will create a "Local Screening Committee" that will forward 1 school representative per 50 students in the graduating class. Southeastern is allowed to nominate (1) student to advance to the county level to compete against the nominated students from the other schools in the county. Local Deadline:
Golden Apple Scholars Program
The Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois is a scholarship program that identifies talented high school seniors, as well as first and second-year college students who have the promise and drive to be excellent teachers in schools-of-need in Illinois. We prepare them for immediate and lasting success in the most challenging teaching environments. Information and application below.
Golden Apple Scholars
Hancock County Republican Women Scholarship
To be eligible for consideration for the HCRW Scholarship you must be a female high
school senior student attending a school in Hancock County. Please submit:
Completed Application Form
Essay - Why I am Proud to be an American (1-2 double spaced pages)
(2) Letters of Reference
Copy of Your Academic Transcript
Applicants may be interviewed by the committee. Please come appropriately
dressed in business attire. You will be notified of date, time and place. You may
attach additional sheets.
Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student
This is the single largest privately funded scholarship program in the country. There is on obligation in order to apply. Applicants must be a high school senior, a US citizen, and be college bound to an accredited four-year degree granting program. The candidate and/or family need not be an Elks member.
Application can be found at